Regensburg - Sightseeings & Informations


The city of Regensburg was founded by the ancient Romans. The fortification, built at the confluence of the Regen and Danube rivers, was named Castra Regina. Porta Pretoria gate, built in 179 AD. are considered the oldest surviving structure in Germany. 




In the Middle Ages, Regensburg had about the same meaning for the Germans like Berlin today. In 1245 Regensburg received the status of the "Free Imperial City". Since the end of the 16th century, the emperors of the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation have held meetings of the Reichstag in the Old Town Hall.




St. Peter's Basilica, whose construction began in 1275 and completed in 1869, is an example of purely German Gothic. More than 400 years at the cathedral there has been a boys' choir Regensburger Domspatzen - "Regensburg sparrows". For several decades, this choir was led by the elder brother of one of the Pope Georg Ratzinger, who still lives in Regensburg.

There are about 1200 old buildings in the city center. Many of them are decorated with towers - this is how the Regensburg merchants once demonstrated their wealth. There is also the oldest in Germany 300-meter Stone Bridge, built in the middle of the 12th century. According to legend, the devil helped him build. The architect deceived him, so the devil decided to destroy the bridge. He bumped it with his shoulder - the bridge heaved, but stood. Then he rested on the side - the bridge bent and stood again. So it still stands, rearing and bent.




Regensburg, like some other German cities built by rivers, was periodically flooded, but for Regensbrug floods are commonplace. They have been happening here for more than a century. A measuring ruler is installed on the wall of the Stone Bridge Museum, on which the maximum and last year's levels of water rise are marked. And next to it is the oldest sausage house in Germany, Historische Würstküche, which is 850 years old. She appeared here almost simultaneously with the opening of the bridge. After all, the customs office was located here, which means it was crowded. Since then, water has come and gone, but the sausage is worth it. And at the entrance to the Prinzess cafe in front of the Town Hall you can read that the first coffee house in Germany was opened in Regensburg in 1686.


Regensburg in Bavaria



Regensburg has been famous for its liberalism at all times. During the Reformation, the wealthy townspeople adopted Protestantism, while the common people remained in the bosom of the Catholic Church. But this did not cause conflicts. During the Thirty Years War, the city was chosen as the site for the imperial Diet, which attracted German princes, both Catholics and Protestants. Regensburgers are also very detailed people. And do not take offense at jokes about them. For example, about two identical keys on the coat of arms of the city. One to open the door, the other to close.


Regensburg from Above.


